Monday, November 30

Pics from the Kid Cudi concert

more @ 1loveto

Red Bull BC One 2009 highlights

These things are just so crazy

Sunday, November 29

Favourite for November!

Favourite song for November haha.
Abdoulaye Kone

"A collaboration between Mali's Abdoulaye Kone and Baba Sissoko and Canada's Lewis Melville."

Baliman: National Geographic World Music

Posted using ShareThis

Favourite is DJeli

Royksopp ft. Robyn

My favourite song of the week a song from earlier on this year.

Saturday, November 28

Tuff track Malice in Wonderland in stores December 8th.
P.S. hope Bonez and Flaco havin a ball at Kid Cudi

In response toThe Streets

This is my favourite track by The Streets, just awesome and this album is sick A Grand Don't Come for Free

I Died of Laughter

You guys know I love stupid things sometimes.
Skip ahead to 2:25 til 5:06
the totem, the shark and the olive at the end bahahahahahaha just kills me!!!

Thursday, November 26

New Trak- Yelawolf- Pop the Trunk

Dj BoNeZ back once again- with a new Yelawolf trak and also a really funny twitt of his haha

"Thank GOD we caint' SHOOT cats in Alabama ...or we'd all be eatin PUSSY for ThanksGiving- Yelawolf

LOL i was dying when i read that but.... yea the trak goes hard...its bumpin' in trunks in the south right now so yea enjoy...and ill also be puttin' up a new video to Juelz Sanatana's Mixin' up the medicine ft Yelawolf trak soon as well. Heres the behind the scenes video below..enjoy peace bitchS!!!!


Y ou guys can hate4 on me if you want to but this might be the greatest show out ther and in a matter of 3 months has 2 soundtracks and probably done a million in sales and i havve got like every single song

And with a tip of my hat, I fade into the back...

Wednesday, November 25

New Usher

This track is called In My bag, it sounds good, just a little long in some places


Monday, November 23

Sea Of People All Equal

"Weak Become Heroes" off The Streets classic album Original Pirate Material from way back in 2002

Thursday, November 19

Gym Class Heroes

This is on of the songs that I like on 'The Quilt', which was released in august or September 2008. I'm just suprised that it's been over a year since the album came out and the are now giving us this single. Clearly means record sales didn't go so well the first time around. Oh well, good song none the less.

New Track Timbo ft Jt- Crazy Girl

Wednesday, November 18

Say Something

I heard Drake on Say Something, i thought it was decent. I heard Lupe go over it, and he simply DESTROYS the thing. He's on a whole nother level, floating somewhere in the clouds above the Sears Tower up there. You could spend weeks strait listening to this guys tracks' and not even be up on all the word play in the lyrics! 
LUPE FIASCO aka The Great Chicago Fire

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

Off the Debut album from the Ambassador of Rap for the Capital and the whole DMV

Tuesday, November 17

Has anyone noticed what happened to YouTube, particularily on Firefox? If you try to go to it, in re-directs to an 'app' version that resembles iTunes and everything is flash and streamline and you can't embed anything and it's all auto-play.
It's probably because of all those add-ons that could allow you to download YouTube videos.
This means ur gonna need like google chrome or IE8 in order for embed codes for any YouTube stuff, if I find anything else out I'll keep it on the up and up.

Pop making a comeback

i'm sorry, but the more I hear this song the more I like it. Just killing me how infectious it is.This could be a choreo-dancers dream song this year. I think any dancer with awesome choreography could make this song and the rest of their songs untouchable
V Factory, again something I've been embarrassed to listen to for a while now,but it has serious top 10 potential, even though people are skeptical about manufactured pop. The last track I said that about was Ke$ha and it's now the number 1 song in the country

Monday, November 16

Nothing special with regards to this track. I just really love it.

Top 25 Songs of 2008 Mashup

Saturday, November 14


This track is okay i my opinion

That video with the kids jus whildin out, this is the track

The little guy's head bob is on point.

I love that he's swag surfin through the entire thing

Friday, November 13

New Craig David

I know Ahmed's gonna like this one, but for me it feels like an unfinished demo.

Just in case you were wondering...

Just in case you were wondering...this is a trailer for that movie Zweiohrküken that has the OneRepublic song secrets in it, is it me or does it kind look good despite the fact I have know idea what the fuck is being said.

oh.. and Rihanna's official video for her new single "Russian Roulette"

Kid Sister+LMFAO+OneRepublic...

She scrapped her original album which critics were in love with cuz she didn't think it was good enough and now she's put out a new single that sound like everything else that's out right now. Even though her style is considered fresh and original, it seems like everyone has caught up and now she might just get lost in the crowd, what do you think?
Kid Sister: Right Hand Hi

The next installment might be the second most ignorant song of the year by the band who gave the most ignorant song of the year. You know you can shut a party down with this track tough
LMFAO: Shots ft. Lil Jon

This is OneRepublic's new single because this really big movie in Germany is using it as the lead song for it which also features my favourite song of 2008 "Hometown Glory" by Adele. The moie is called Zweiohrküken and it's a sequel, but don't ask me to get into details.
OneRepublic: Secrets

Don't think this is the end of me today,
YO trust when I get home and just unload on you n#**!s you will lose your mind.
Wait till you hear this track By The Fray that is rumoured to be on Shock Value Vol. 2

And with the tip of my hat, I fade into the back...

Thursday, November 12

Jeremih - Make Up to Break Up

Call me peanut butter, cause this is my jam.

This is Eli's post and no one else should take credit for it

Wednesday, November 11


I heard this first over on OVO. Its too good not to repost. If you like reggae, its a CLASSICO!


Obviously didn't notice this till just now but yeah, we officially have (including this one 102) posts. It kind of might not seem that big, but considering the amount of time it has been since starting this blog, I think we've done a lot, especially considering the average post has like 2-3 songs on it, we are doing big things.

Anyway I found this track by Leona Lewis ft. OneRepublic and my response to it is....i don't know.
it's called Lost Then Found and it is a bonus track on The Japanese version of her new album Echo. Now I posted a couple tracks sometime back from this album like Stone Hearts in that massive post way back when. regardless my main question why does Japan get all the extra bonus tracks on an album but, unless you worked on the album yourself, you'll never know of or hear these tracks?

Tuesday, November 10

Piano Versions

Here are some awesome piano versions of some of my favourite songs, thought they were pretty crazy.

IYAZ - Replay

Maino - All The Above

Sophmore Daze

OneRepublic hits us up with a new album and hoping not to make us fall asleep on them like what tends to occur with the average sophomore album. They get overconfident in their abilities and/or not as much effort goes into making the second album. Whatever the reasons are for most, November 17th is the release date and is the day "Waking Up" intends to prove 'nay' Sayers wrong. Enjoy a sample of the album. Remember this isn't a download.

Omarion-I Get It In

A while back I posted the track and said it was a different sound. I think it's an evolution and proof that he is getting better and diversifying his style. His new video only re-emphasizes that point.Any one who doesn't have Omarion's name in the best dancers list is straight hatin!!!

Saturday, November 7

Thursday, November 5

Monday, November 2

Don't Be A Douchebag

^best documentary i've seen in years

Sunday, November 1

Call and Response

A little while back I showed you a Jay-Z diss by State Property's very own Beanie Sigel. Now we have both an explanation (if you wanna call it that) from Beanie and a response by Jay-Z during his recent trip to Canada.

Jay-Z answers Beanie Sigel from la rue du on Vimeo.

Beanie Sigel comments on Average Cat and. View
via The Hood Nerd.